

I've been following Dustborn since last year and I recognize it took me too long to finally add it to the DEIDetected list, but better late than never, right?

Ew brother ew

Dustborn is basically DEI-The Game. It has everything you could hope from a DEI game: forced diversity, virtue signaling, self-insertions, (woke) political agenda being forced down the player's throat, a bunch of alphabet people and they/thems.


The game has a very diverse set of characters, and you may ask if there's any straight, white male among them? Of course there are: villains!

For some reason he looks like JFK?

It also features the most soy-filled combat mechanic I've ever seen: you fight with the "power of words"! Yes, in this game "words can hurt" and the whole combat system revolves around this premise. They don’t even try hiding it, do they?

Yes... the robot has pronouns.

The developers have also always been proudly outspoken about their politically-driven intentions with Dustborn. In an interview from way back in 2020, Red Thread studio leader Ragnar Tørnquist said this:

"We have a point of view with this game," Tørnquist says. "We're not stepping back and saying 'you figure it out'. We're actually saying, 'No, fascism is bad' – but we are also going to let our characters argue about it."

The saddest part is that this game has been funded with tax money... I'm sorry, European bros.


Nonetheless, vote with your wallets!


  • https://bucket.deidetected.com/quantic dream logo.jpg
    Quantic Dream


  • https://bucket.deidetected.com/red thread games.jpg
    Red Thread Games

DEI Consultants

  • https://bucket.deidetected.com/DEID square.png
